
I’m Emma, an outdoor enthusiast, dog mom, wife, registered nurse, and a certified coach.

I grew up in small town northern MN where I learned the value of hard work and intentional relationships. After college and my first years as a registered nurse, I was unsure what direction I wanted to head in my life, and had my first experience with coaching.

I experienced 3 months of coaching that completely transformed my confidence in myself, helped me change my mindset, and accomplish something that was previously only possible in my dreams. Travel nursing. My coach helped me break down my goal of becoming a travel nurse until it became do-able, and soon I was off!

I traveled across the country working in hospitals and ER’s, growing in flexibility and learning to trust myself!

Along the way, I continued to test and stretch myself; my endurance by running 2 marathons, my strength and community through Cross-fit, my faith and gratitude through beauty and solace hiking in the mountains.


As a nurse I met wonderful patients, but I consistently saw them leave the hospital discouraged- being given hasty instruction from the harried staff on how to improve their health for reasons that only vaguely made sense to them and which they weren’t very motivated to enact, even if they had met a life threatening situation.

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When I found coaching, I knew I had found my passion: the intersection of physically caring for others and my interest in psychology, motivation, and holistic health. I had found a gift I could offer others and help them make lasting changes in their lives.

Through coaching I get to help you find a path forward based on your values and experience, I get to be a guide and an advocate. I use cutting edge psychology to help you increase your understanding of yourself and up-level your holistic wellbeing. And yes, I still regularly receive coaching myself!

If you're ready to try a more holistic approach, keep reading to see if working with me could be just the transformation you desire.

Other things I love: mountain biking, adventure, whole-food cooking, historical fiction, and time with my nieces and nephews!

The Nurse Coach Collective

My Approach

My values

When you decide to work with me, you will experience the power of being listened to deeply. Together we shape our sessions to be exactly what you need. I use research backed techniques to help you shape your values and bring them into your everyday life. You will make connections that are powerful motivators for moving toward your goals.

Curiosity and Learning

Curiosity is my key to helping you dig deeper. I use questions to help you discover more about yourself and your desires.

A growth mindset is what allows me to trust you to be the expert of yourself! I continually prioritize up-leveling and refining my skills so I can provide you with the experience that can help you reach your goals.

perseverance and courage

Any journey outside our comfort zone requires courage; when we dare to try something new to get somewhere we’ve never been, we most certainly will face challenges that require perseverance. When we press through the difficulty there is opportunity find strength we didn’t know we held.

My training

empathy and approachability

My goal is that you feel heard and understood. When you find validation of your experience, it is a powerful tool for acceptance and commitment to keep moving forward. You will also experience the freedom of being in a space where you will be heard non-judegmentally

American Holistic Nurse Credentialing Corporation

The Art & Skill of coaching with Jess demarchis

impact and intentionality

Each of us undoubtedly impacts those around us, so intentionality is essential to allow our lives to be overflowing with meaning and purpose.

celebrate uniqueness and sameness

Embracing our individuality and having it be recognized as a strength can lead to improved confidence.

Opposingly, experiencing the comfort of being held in common humanity allows us to release perfectionism and allow acceptance to lead us forward.

Better up coach development coaching foundations