what is coaching with Emma like?

My clients resoundingly remark

  • how heard they feel,

  • how grounding the session space is,

  • how refreshing it is to bring any obstacle or confusion they are facing and let it have whatever space it needed.

My Method

  • is steeped in a desire for deep service to your highest intention

  • is shaped by 3 extensive training courses

  • assists my clients to make inner changes that lead to long-term external results.

  • emphasizes an experimental mindset to prevent perfectionistic paralysis

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to gaining clarity on your goal and creating a personalized path to fit your unique needs.

  • Integrative

    Since achieving wellness is more than just exercise and diet, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices such as mindfulness, deep breathing, Cognitive Behavioral therapy and more.

  • Targeted

    Everyone faces challenges on the journey to better health. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your barriers.


1:1 Coaching

The ideal choice if you’re looking for personalized coaching tailored to your goals and values. My proven structure Individualized to your needs.

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Group Coaching

Tired of getting stuck in people pleasing tendencies? Join a community of like-minded people working toward authenticity.

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Begin your wellness journey with access to beginner-friendly live workshops and a library of previous events.

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How you’ll feel

more confident, with increased clarity and motivation

What to Expect

Each session we will

  • Intentionally celebrate your wins from the past week to enhance positive re-enforcement and remind your brain of your strengths and capability.

  • Review your goal from the previous session. Non judgmentally discuss whether you were you able to implement it the way you expected and what obstacles came up for you.

  • The main course of our session! Where we will dig into a challenge you are facing within your overarching goal. Each week implementing techniques that meet you right where you are and propel you forward. I will provide you with helpful reflections and questions that allow YOU to find your path forward.

  • You will set a goal each week. This can be anything from awareness around a behavior, experimenting with a new habit, or just checking a task off that moves you toward the overarching goal!


  • Holistic wellness covers an array of topics, so almost nothing is off the table! A few ideas for topics would include:

    How can I decrease my stress?

    What is the next step in my career?

    How can I up-level my physical health?

    How can I increase my communication skills?

  • We can focus on nutrition or exercise in our sessions, but this method of coaching places the expertise back on you!

    Simply said, we can work together to help YOU create a meal plan or training plan that will most benefit you.

  • If we picture our lives as a tree, coaching is going to be the pruning, watering, and sunshine that allow the tree to grow even bigger and stronger. It focuses on moving you forward.

    Therapy then, is in the roots. I't’s the transplanting, re-potting and deeper work below the surface to help you heal wounds of the past when it’s affecting your ability to grow.

  • Yes! Being undistracted and in a private space allows you to speak openly and honestly without fear of anyone overhearing you and is very important for effective coaching.

    My clients can get pretty creative in order to find privacy! It might be scheduling your session during your lunch break at work. Setting up and taking the coaching call in your parked car, in a closet, or trading play dates so that your kids are cared for during your session.

  • Don’t hesitate to book your free consultation call even if you don’t think you can afford coaching.

    I’m not an advocate for debt, AND I do advocate for life changing investments that will improve your life circumstances and help you level up.

    If you can’t afford your rent when you sign up for coaching, we will have a different consultation than if you can’t afford your daily starbucks drink or your weekly target haul.

    We can explore why you want to invest in coaching, what the outcome would be of investing in this space and you can determine if the value is in alignment with who you want to be.

  • Each service is priced by the amount of investment required by the client and coach.

    The one -on- one service requires the most investment from both sides; the monetary investment correlates with the amount of value you place on showing up each week.

    The Group Offering is slightly more affordable as the investment on the coaching side is shared amongst many participants.

    The workshops are quite economic in the initial investment of both time and money. They are short, informative ways to start your wellness journey.

  • Start by exploring why you want this. The people in our lives who love us, want us to have what we need to grow and thrive.

    If coaching will help you show up in that way, it’s important to share with your partner your desire.

    When you have a conversation with them think it through ahead of time: ask yourself how you think they’ll respond, what questions they will have and prepare your response about why this investment in you will serve your partnership.

  • While some seasons seem more or less busy than others, there is no “perfect” time.

    Most people don’t have tons of free time up for grabs and many of my clients are professionals with families and obligations. It’s common that we only prioritize time for the things we think are truly important to us.

    All I need from you is the willingness to commit to the consultation call and then we can jump into finding a way to create more time to have the life you want.

  • If your loved one has specifically told you they would like to work with me, you can let them know of your willingness to help cover the cost of the investment and let them book their consultation.

    Coaching requires commitment and SELF-motivation, it is important to ensure we have clarity on our consultation before moving forward.

    If you simply think coaching would be valuable for your loved one and they haven’t explored it or stated their desire to follow through, it would be best to plant the seed, and when she's ready, she can reach out and I'll send the bill to you!

  • Credit or Debit Card

    You can pay in full or use a payment plan for a monthly charge.

Have a question that’s not listed? Submit it below!


  • Values alignment assessment

  • Personalized clarity discernment

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email

  • Helpful resources and tools for navigating your unique obstacles